The SSI Challenge:Your Chance to Win Every Month
Answer These SSI Trivia Questions and Win!
Submit your answers here! Those with the most correct answers will be entered into a drawing to win an electronic laser level tool and be identified in the magazine.
Good luck!
1. What year did Security Sales & Integration (then AID) launch? |
2. Who founded SSI (then AID)? |
3. What did the acronym AID stand for? |
4. What national trade group was launched with the assistance of AID? |
5. What year was the name changed to Security Sales? |
6. What year was the name changed to Security Sales & Integration? |
7. What year did current Editor-in-Chief Scott Goldfine join SSI? |
8. What year did current Publisher Mike Zawinski join SSI? |
9. What year did the Sales & Marketing Awards (SAMMYs) begin? |
10. What year did the Installation of the Year Award start? |
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