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Dave Bhattacharjee

Dave Bhattacharjee is Vice President, Data Analytics, for Stanley Security.

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Read: How the Security Industry Can Utilize Artificial Intelligence

How the Security Industry Can Utilize Artificial Intelligence

As the use of artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent, the security industry can take advantage of the emerging technology in a number of ways.

Dave Bhattacharjee's Latest Posts

Read: How Do Security AI Applications Learn?

How Do Security AI Applications Learn?

AI is a massive buzzword in security, but how exactly does it work? Here’s an overview of learning techniques such as deep learning and reinforcement training to help you better understand.

Read: How the Security Industry Can Utilize Artificial Intelligence

How the Security Industry Can Utilize Artificial Intelligence

As the use of artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent, the security industry can take advantage of the emerging technology in a number of ways.

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