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Business News

Read: SIA Announces Inaugural Winners of James Rothstein Business Scholarship Program

SIA Announces Inaugural Winners of James Rothstein Business Scholarship Program

Phillippe Forman of Altronix and Aubrey Moye of dormakaba USA will receive James Rothstein Business Scholarships at Securing New Ground.


Read: Access Control: Security Integrators Advance From Key Rings to Swipe Cards to Biometrics

Access Control: Security Integrators Advance From Key Rings to Swipe Cards to Biometrics

We’ve come a long way from clunky key rings that give a select few people access control to every door across a massive facility.

Products News

Read: VerkadaOne Debuts AI-Powered Alerts, Next-Gen Cameras, Intercoms and Door Readers

VerkadaOne Debuts AI-Powered Alerts, Next-Gen Cameras, Intercoms and Door Readers

More than 1,600 IT and physical security leaders gathered in Denver over three days for second annual VerkadaOne.

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