Sandra Jones

SSI Hall Of Fame: 2005

Why She’s On the List:

  • As distributor, gained keen insight by serving dealers and seeing what and why things sold, and what support was needed
  • Best known for Sandra Jones and Co., the Security Industry Association (SIA) and Securing New Ground – all revolve around helping others achieve goals faster or more profitably
  • Provider of reliable guidance to scores of established industry professionals as well as new entrants
  • High visibility through seemingly endless number of associations and events
  • Pushing for common protocols to merge logical and physical security through the Open Security Exchange (OSE)
  • Helping women find a path into the security market as part of Women in Security Electronics (WISE)

Something People Might Not Know: Father is a survivor of Auschwitz and her mother of Bergen-Belzen. She was born in a Displaced Persons Camp in Germany after World War II. She credits her ability to overcome obstacles – including almost losing a leg in a car accident and cancer – to her parents’ perseverance.

Most Memorable Moment: “Introducing Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak as keynote speaker at Securing New Ground in 2003. He was sequestered for security purposes. At the appointed time, I gave a heartfelt introduction, the audience stood and applauded … but he didn’t come out! After three intros, he finally came in and gave a great speech.”

How Things Have Changed: “First, money and talent are steadily being attracted to the market. Second, technology continues to evolve as the path or the enabler to solutions, not as the solution itself. And third, buyers are more sophisticated.”

What the Future Holds: “First, there will be continued acceleration of mergers and acquisitions. Second, there will be a shift from hardware to software business economics. Third, the supply chain will become more cohesive and efficient. And fourth, great new technologies providing more machine-to-machine intelligence will reduce the burden and costs related to video monitoring.”

Reaction to Being Inducted: “Being inducted, along with this group of people I know and respect, is a great honor. I believe I have been a good role model and proof that women can succeed in the industry.”

Career Highlights:

  • In 1975, along with her husband, opened Security Products Co., one of the first wholesale security distributors
  • Became active in SIA beginning in 1978, serving on the board for 20+ years
  • Launched consulting firm Sandra Jones and Co. in 1990
  • Developed SIA’s New Product Showcase (NPS) and served as president for five years
  • Started SIA’s Industry Groups, moved operations to Washington D.C., expanded membership to include all suppliers and hired a full-time staff
  • In 1991, honored with the Lippert Memorial Award for lifetime service and achievement
  • In 1995, co-founded and produced Securing New Ground™ conference

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