2025 Security Industry Predictions: Brian James, VP, Sales & Security, ScanSource
James, the vice president of sales and security at ScanSource, offers up his predictions for the security industry for 2025 and beyond.
Our 2025 Security Industry Predictions series continues with Brian James, vice president of sales and security at ScanSource.
Security Sales & Integration: Without getting into any specific vendors or branded solutions, what technology category or solution area do you see as 2025’s ripest, most profitable growth opportunity for security dealers, installers and integrators? Explain your reasoning.
Brian James: Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to grow, becoming one of the biggest areas integrators can leverage and embrace to drive growth opportunities. Businesses are looking for ways to do more with less.
Utilizing tools for predictive analytics or business intelligence can enhance what we do in security beyond just that of risk mitigation. Those who embrace technology and sell the solution beyond security can have the greatest success.
SSI: These days, we’re all hearing a lot about the cloud migration, AI/machine learning, crime deterrence vs. crime reactiveness, etc. Which of these “hot topics” do you think is overplayed? Which ones do you think will truly transform the practice of security integration in the coming years?
James: Cloud is often sold as an either/or solution but should be considered an enhancement or migration. We will always have on-premise capture devices and many institutions have large legacy systems.
Enhancing a system with cloud management or cloud back-up of data can be a great option without overselling the solution. AI and machine learning, as I mentioned before, can be transformative.
SSI: On the business and operations side, which single factor (e.g., interest rates, talent-related issues, geopolitical stressors) poses the biggest challenge for the security industry right now? How can business owners mitigate their downside risk?
James: Interest rates and labor costs seem to be the biggest challenges we hear from business owners. The best way to mitigate these challenges is to partner with companies that can offer support.
SSI: What’s getting better about the security industry these days? What seems to be getting worse and worse?
James: Technology continues to advance at a very rapid pace. The intelligence of the solutions will likely improve faster than the ability to sell and deploy. Plug-and-play or do-it-yourself solutions have the potential to challenge certain segments of the market, which could contribute to the industry’s evolving dynamics.
SSI: What’s liable to catch some security dealers, installers and integrators off guard in the coming year?
James: Our industry relies heavily on imported products. Potential shifts in how we do business with the rest of the world could impact business dynamics, and some dealers may need time to adapt.
SSI: What’s the single most pressing issue that professionals in the security industry should look to tackle right now?
James: Lock in your talent. Make sure you have the right people and that they are committed to your business.
SSI: Finish this sentence: 2025 will be remembered as the year that the security industry…
James: … continued its journey towards intelligent solutions.
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