Campus Constituents Take Aim at Swift Active Shooter Action at CSC East

A couple of hundred campus security end users and others allied to the education market shared best practices at annual conference.

CONCORD, N.C. — As a sign of these tragic times, active shooters was far and away the leading topic of sessions and discussion at the 2019 Campus Safety Conference (CSC) East held August 6-8 just outside Charlotte. Presented by Security Sales & Integration’s sister publication Campus Safety, this was the final CSC of the year with West and Texas installments conducted earlier this summer.

The East event took place just down the interstate from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte (UNCC), where two were killed and four injured in a shooting incident April 30.

“When the shooting call came over the radio it was something I never thought would happen here,” UNCC Police Chief Jeff Baker said during the “Making Campuses Safer ― Together; Emergency Preparedness Panel” presentation for higher education. “The takeaway is that it could happen anywhere. So it is all about training and response. The ability to lock down the campus and notify first responders and the community is critical.”

Features of the CSC — geared toward educational institution decision makers and enforcement, as well as integrators targeting this vital vertical — included: hearing from leading safety and security experts; learning strategies and tactics to reduce risk and improve response; experiencing firsthand about best practices and procedures for emergency response; receiving actionable items that can be implemented immediately by a campus; and discovering how to be better prepared for emergency situations.

Campus Safety exclusively serves campus police chiefs, security directors, IT personnel, emergency managers and executive administrators involved in the public safety and security of major hospitals, schools and universities in the United States. Like SSI, CS is a product of the leading operator of business-to-business trade shows in the U.S. ― Emerald Expositions (operating 55+ trade shows, as well as many face-to-face events).

For more info and images on this year’s CSC East, continue on through the slideshow. If you are an integrator in or considering the education vertical, you might want to be sure to attend one of 2020’s CSCs. Sites are yet to be determined.

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About the Author

Scott Goldfine Elite, Security Industry Goldfine

Scott Goldfine is Marketing Director with Elite Interactive Solutions, Inc. Prior to joining Elite, he served as Security Sales & Integration’s chief editor for about 25 years.

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