Welcome to SSI 2.0
Whether it’s a major security system installation project or the magazine you now hold in your hands, one of the most satisfying aspects of professional life is seeing your hard labor transformed into a finished product of which you can be proud. For me, that moment is the delivery of the latest issue of Security Sales & Integration. I find it especially gratifying when readers have told me they are as anxious to receive it as I am — and that’s when the gun I was holding to their head wasn’t even loaded!
This month the payoff is on a much grander scale as I am thrilled to introduce you to the all-new, completely redesigned version of SSI. Chances are you probably noticed something was afoot before you even got this far as everything — including the cover design — has a fresh, bold look and flavor. You are witnessing not only our first total redesign in more than six years, but also the end result of nearly a year of intensive discussions, planning, reviewing and evaluating hundreds of design alternatives, pulling it all together, and bringing it to fruition.
My hat is off to everyone involved in our operation — from the publisher to editors to contributors and columnists to sales to the Editorial Advisory Board to graphics to the production department and beyond — for their hard work and diligence. In particular, I want to thank and shine the spotlight on SSI’s art director, Marge Young. She has worked behind the scenes on this publication for more than a decade, and I congratulate her on what I consider to be her masterpiece (yes, I may be a tad bit partial).
The great news for our many avid, long-time readers concerning the redesign is that we have not thrown out the baby with the bathwater. Although everything has been retooled from an aesthetic standpoint, your favorite departments and columns remain, and the basic organization of the entire magazine is familiar and intuitive. However, there are many new departments and elements. Think of it as SSI 2.0.
The guide below will help make the transition as smooth as possible so you can maximize the benefits derived from the magazine and ensure your reading pleasure.
I hope you find our new mix essential and entertaining. We will continue to enhance as needed — based on feedback from you, our valued reader.
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