WeSuite’s Tracy Larson Shares How Speed and Accuracy Grow Sales Organizations
Faster and more accurate quoting is necessary for aggressive business growth
On the heels of WeSuite’s release of QuoteAnywhere and the Site Survey Version 3.0, we sat down with Tracy Larson, WeSuite’s President and Co-Founder, to discuss how faster and more accurate quoting is necessary for aggressive business growth. The company’s software, which helps security sales teams do both, was recently honored with a 2022 ESX Innovation Award, recognizing it as tops in Business Operations/Dealer Services.
Q: Software companies talk a lot about the benefits of “workflow automation.” How does this concept apply to security sales?
A: Workflow automation is about creating efficient, repeatable, accurate processes. In a sales context, it allows salespeople to track opportunities, quote more efficiently and accurately, close more quickly, and keep sales on track. With WeSuite, a salesperson can arrive at a customer’s site, collaboratively design a system on their Site Survey digital canvas, simultaneously building a quote in QuoteAnywhere, generate complete proposal and contract documents, apply for financing if necessary, and obtain electronic sign-off from the customer. The deal is closed before a competitor can walk in the door.
It also guarantees uniformity and consistency across jobs and salespeople. Operations teams know what to expect as they execute delivery.
Q: We often think of speed and accuracy as competing priorities. If you do something quickly, it might not get done right. How does QuoteAnywhere upend this paradigm?
In a security sales organization, accurate quoting is incredibly important. Inaccuracy removes profitability from a project. Furthermore, the complex nature of security systems, current supply chain issues, and steeply rising prices for parts and labor make accurate quoting exceptionally difficult. For companies that handle quoting manually or use spreadsheets, concerns are justified that quoting will result in errors. There are too many opportunities to make mistakes without realizing it.
Software like WeSuite makes quoting virtually goof-proof. It ensures the most current pricing catalogs are always used, labor is calculated correctly, and miscellaneous items like permits and subcontractor fees aren’t overlooked. Furthermore, quotes that meet specified thresholds or profit margins can be presented to customers without supervisory sign-off. As a result, salespeople have more autonomy in the field to work with customers on pricing to close a deal on the spot.
With QuoteAnywhere and the Site Survey, speed and accuracy go hand-in-hand.
Q: How else does sales management software help businesses grow?
Companies need to have a solid business technology foundation. It’s what gathers data to measure KPIs. Mike Ruddo, Chief Strategy Officer at Integrated Security Technologies, told an audience at a recent educational panel at PSA-Tec that WeSuite has allowed IST’s management to determine true profitability rather than operate based on gut feelings.
Secondly, centralized data makes historical analysis possible. By identifying trends, like which vertical markets are most profitable and which RMR solutions continue to generate the most revenue over time, companies can make strategic decisions about how to grow – like where to focus their marketing resources and which product lines to keep or drop.
Third, growing a business often includes merging or acquiring others. When that happens, sales management software helps new employees to onboard quickly and confidently to meet their new organization’s expectations.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like the readers of SSN to know?
Supply chain issues are complicating sales and deliveries in unprecedented ways. Dealers’ quotes must accommodate for the unpredictable, rising costs of parts, shipping, and labor as well as uncertain availability of various items. WeSuite offers tools to present multiple pricing and installation options to clients, swap in alternative parts as necessary, adjust the burden on materials, include contract wording that stipulates conditions for possible pricing increases, and quickly import any pricing updates to estimates that are in the works.
You can learn how WeSuite helped American Alarm, SAGE Integration, Wycliffe Technologies, and others to grow their sales and expand their businesses by reading their success stories, posted at https://wesuite.com/success/.
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