Can You Beat the Tech Talk Challenge?
Bob Dolph put together a crossword puzzle to try and stump you techs. Put your security and installation knowledge to the test and see if you can pass.
This month I thought I would have some fun and see if I can stump you techs with this crossword puzzle.
View the slideshow for the puzzle and answers. You can access a printable version, here.
Good luck!
1. Doing it right with NFPA 70.
3. A designation for coaxial cable.
6. Type of door contact used in a series alarm circuit (two words).
10. Important sound that burglars often make when breaking glass.
11. The purposeful process of shorting out.
12. Needed by all technicians.
15. Today’s telephones.
16. An important practice when terminating cables.
18. The law for all alarm technicians.
20. Making that convenient compact cable splice.
22. He who rules all in the kingdom.
23. Connection made to protect people from electrical shock.
24. Mind the (magnetic alarm contacts) gap.
27. Your motion sensor has been tested to certain standards (two words).
29. Device for extra alarm circuit security and electrical supervision.
30. Alarm systems that are favorites to insurance companies (two words).
32. Creating a level playing field for all devices in a system.
34. Taking the heat with NFPA 72 (three words).
35. The key profit center for all alarm contractors.
36. An electrical device for controlling almost anything.
2. This is the way out.
4. Technology that might ignore a smoldering fire.
5. The documentation many techs forget about reading.
7. Something to do with throwing pizza away and network layers.
8. Many new devices cannot survive without this type of energy.
9. Depending on the circuit, voltages and current must add up.
13. Be a square with your installation screws.
14. Wireless technology that is difficult to compromise (two words).
17. Costly and troublesome alarms.
19. A truck outside caused a false alarm on this type of sensor.
21. All wireless devices are talking to everyone else.
25. A sensor technology that likes a lot of stress (two words).
26. I can’t hear you.
28. A dumb switch.
31. A very important piece of test equipment.
33. Keeping safe on the job is of high priority.
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