25 Years Strong and Continuing to Make a Difference

Your business cannot thrive, or even survive, without a viable business plan. Executing such a plan means making critical decisions. These decisions require clearly analyzing problems and identifying innovative solutions in a timely manner, for both the short and long term.

To accomplish this, you have to jump into the driver’s seat and take charge. You can’t let a day pass without referring to a roadmap of where you want to go. And you have to check your gearshift daily to figure out whether your business is moving forward, backward or stuck in neutral.

The question is: How do you determine if you’re on the right road; how do you know if you are heading toward success or meandering down a path with no clear destination? In our industry, that could take the form of several questions.

For example, which access control system should I standardize on? Should I consider getting into the guard response business? Should I hire an expert in computer networking? Should I restructure my business to go more commercial? How would my peers in other cities handle a particular job? Where can I get factual information on industry trends and product solutions?

The editorial on the preceding page is reprinted from the very first issue of AID (Alarm Installer & Dealer) magazine, which eventually became what you know today as Security Sales & Integration. Back in 1979, Bob Bargert launched this magazine to answer questions just like the ones above.

He was a straightforward man whose goal was to provide solid information without pulling any punches. To me, he was truly a MVP because he had a mission and the vision and passion to accomplish it. It’s funny, here we are in 2003 and our magazine’s primary objectives haven’t changed much in 25 years.

It was exactly one year ago when we changed the format and structure of Security Sales & Integration. Much like Bob did a quarter of a century ago, we too have surrounded ourselves with industry veterans—pros from the field who have worked shoulder to shoulder with you.

We understand you have issues like the aforementioned and that you need honest answers. You can’t afford to waste time reading about vaporware or industry gossip that has zero impact on the future of your business. You recognize that some (I said some, not all) manufacturers have marketing departments that write biased articles, when you really need the real scoop about a product or system.

Well, here’s something you can bank on. Regardless of the topic, when we write an article, YOUR business is our main concern! That is our pledge. Why do we care about you? Because WE are YOU, and our experienced staff is truly concerned about this industry.

It is rewarding to know that our efforts have not escaped the attention of some of the industry’s most significant players. As part of that, I am very pleased and excited to announce that the ISC Expo West has become a major sponsor and marketing partner of our 8th annual SAMMY Awards program!

This joint effort, along with our manufacturer sponsorships, will help us honor the outstanding marketing and installation achievements of our industry’s dealers and integrators. For more information, see “Industry Pulse.”

Finally, with the New Year upon us, I want to thank the hundreds of people from installing companies and manufacturers who have written and E-mailed us their thoughts, suggestions and praise in 2002. It’s gratifying to know that our hard work and dedication is appreciated.

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