Making Systems More User-Friendly

The Internet is often the first place industry professionals go today to find the latest news and information, particularly when it comes to security products. And yet there are still so many Web sites that miss the mark in terms of what they offer installing security contractors. Find out what to look for along with some of fellow readers’ favorite sites.

10 Sensational Sites to See

OK, enough of the lecturing. Let’s take a look at some of the favorites submitted by your industry peers. I found the selections interesting in that they came from a variety of experienced individuals. — A great variety of audio product selections we have talked about. Note special features such as “QuickSpec.” — Good lock knowledge and info from a leading manufacturer. — Cable is the blood of our industry. This is a distributor site that does a good job of providing product information and resources. — A good example of quick referencing to product information, photos and video. — Nicely laid out selection of electronics resources. Note training and tech areas. — A wealth of knowledge that can help make you a camera imaging expert. — Nice layout and good CCTV product resources. — A good example of an international trade organization Web site that can give a large variety of valuable advanced optics resources and free content. — A great suggested supplier and product sourcing site for almost anything you might need. — A good example of an online certification program for life-safety products.

Since all of the recommended Web sites could not fit in this article, I have placed some additional sites on the SSI Tech Shack blog ( I am also sure some of your favorites are missing here as well. Take a moment and go to the blog and post some of your favorites so we can all benefit. 

Social Media That Warrants Hype

One final Web-related thought before parting ways this month. Social media is probably the one area of the Internet that has received the biggest hype. I have found one service, Linkedin, to be of gr
eat value. You can sign up and use the majority of the services for free, as well as to join a variety of special interest groups. It provides a good place to compare notes with other industry professionals, and a place to display your professional credentials and reliably network.                 

Bob Dolph has served in various technical management and advisory positions in the security industry for 30+ years. To share tips and installation questions, E-mail Bob at [email protected]. Check out his Tech Shack blog at

 Tech Talk Tool TipSECURITY SALES & INTEGRATION’s Web site is a clearing house for all the management, sales and technical news and information an established or aspiring security professional could hope for.

One of the best research and resource tools you can have is obtained through going to a high quality trade publication Web site. So for this month I have selected the SECURITY SALES & INTEGRATION Web site ( — and it’s not just because of my affiliation to the magazine of the same name. It truly is the best of its kind on the Web.

Make sure to check out the many great resources, such as educational tools, Webinars, podcasts, videos, blogs, products, research and of course, in-depth and credible trade articles written by expert and experienced writers. The information and ideas can often help make your business more profitable.

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About the Author

Bob Dolph

Bob is currently a Security Sales & Integration "Tech Talk" columnist and a contributing technical writer. Bob installed his first DIY home intercom system at the age of 13, and formally started his technology career as a Navy communication electronics technician during the Vietnam War. He then attended the Milwaukee School of Engineering and went on to complete a Security Management program at Milwaukee Area Technical College. Since 1976, Bob has served in a variety of technical, training and project management positions with organizations such ADT, Rollins, National Guardian, Lockheed Martin, American Alarm Supply, Sonitrol and Ingersoll Rand. Early in his career, Bob started and operated his own alarm dealership. He has also served as treasurer of the Wisconsin Burglar and Fire Alarm Association and on Security Industry Association (SIA) standards committees. Bob also provides media and training consulting to the security industry.

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