With the 63rd ASIS Seminar and Exhibits taking place next week in Dallas, I thought I would share the top 10 things associated with the electronic security industry’s “other big show” (after ISC West) that I am personally looking forward to the most, but also can apply to everyone.
Be sure to look elsewhere on securitysales.com for more of SSI’s extensive special pre-, live- and post-event ASIS Spotlight coverage.
1. Expo! Expo! Expo!
Several hundred vendors will be showing off their wares in the year’s second-largest domestic spotlight of the latest and greatest security products and technologies, allowing hands-on demos. It is also last platform for the year for new product introductions and peeks at the next year.
2. Visiting With Media Partners
The show allows Security Sales & Integration editors the opportunity to see many (most that are exhibiting at ASIS) of the leading suppliers that support SSI’s efforts to deliver the industry’s finest dealer/integrator trade publication. It also affords the chance to build relationships with new partners.
3. Networking Opportunities
Hundreds of high-level industry executives and managers make appearances at ASIS, and so it’s a great forum to meet and reconnect with colleagues. This is especially true since the event attracts more dealers and especially integrators than years ago when it was overwhelmingly end users.
4. End-User Access
Although more integrators attend than was once the case, ASIS remains a predominantly corporate and industrial end-user oriented convention. Dealers and integrators can take advantage of this to gain exposure to those end-user prospects and clients.
5. Educational Sessions
If you pick and choose from the more than 200 offered sessions, there are several valuable training and informational presentations to be experienced at the show. There is not much directly related to dealer or integrator operations but many tracks are filled with topics beneficial in helping understand end-user challenges and needs. Note that while the education program runs the entire week many courses are concurrent with expo hours.
6. Special Presentations
There are five scheduled special speaker and keynote sessions. On tap: Former President George W. Bush (9/25, 8:30 a.m.); celebrity entrepreneur Mark Cuban (9/25, noon); author Scott Klososky (9/26, 8:30 a.m.); Global Reponses to Global Threats panel (9/27, 8:30 a.m.); and first female F-14 Tomcat pilot Carey Lohrenz (9/28, 8:30 a.m.). I saw Lohrenz speak at this year’s ESX show and it was enjoyable and compelling.
7. Social Affairs
There are a host of vendor-provided mixers, dinners and parties on tap during show week, some of which offer quality entertainment as well. In addition, ASIS has more than a dozen networking-oriented activities listed on its Web site. The can’t-miss one is the President’s Reception on 9/27 at Dallas Cowboys Stadium. I went there for a similar event when ASIS was last in Dallas five or six years ago and it was the experience of a lifetime (helps being a lifetime Cowboys fan!).
8. Industry Barometer
The participation, energy and vibe of this show are strong indicators of how the year will close out and serves as a harbinger for what 2018 may look like for the electronic security industry. Let’s hope it is hectic and upbeat!
9. Face Time With Team
Many members of the SSI and sister publication Campus Safety team and associated publications work remotely, and so events like ASIS are welcome opportunities to spend time together. I am certain this is also the case for other firms in attendance.
10. Better Hours & Early Exit
The final (third) exhibits day of ASIS always experiences an exponential drop-off in both the number and the quality of attendees, and the majority of vendor execs and decision makers are long gone by then as well. The event’s organizers have wisely conceded that fact and mercifully cut Day 3 to just three hours. Kudos as well to opening the floor an hour later on Days 1-2 (10 a.m.) to allow catching up with work or recovery time from evening festivities.
What are your favorite things about the annual ASIS event? Let us know in the comments section below!