10 Things I Am Most Excited About for ESX

Find out what to be on the lookout for as the 8th annual Electronic Security Expo commence June 23 in Baltimore.

ESX, which returns to Baltimore for the second time in its eight-year history following three straight events in Nashville, Tenn., is just around the corner. I have been to every one of these shows and it has been a joy to see the industry’s only event jointly owned by the Electronic Security Association (ESA) and Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) continue to gain traction. An argument could be made that ESX has now supplanted ISC East as the third leading show after ISC West and ASIS, really making it the No. 2 dealer-focused event.

Aside from its location amid a recent hotbed of civil unrest, this year’s incarnation is of particular interest because it marks the first ESX to be produced by Tradeshow Logic as the associations parted ways with AE Ventures in 2014. Still, I am sure neither factor will keep the show from being successful. Besides those two juicy morsels I am serving up eight others here as my top 10 things (in chronological order) to watch out for associated with this always enjoyable and important industry show. Be sure to check out SSI‘s ESX Spotlight event coverage, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Baltimore Convention Center.

1. Networking Opportunities (Tuesday-Friday, variable hours)
As far as I am concerned this is THE industry event to mingle and make important connections with the lion’s share of top alarm and monitoring company leadership (systems integrators not so much). There may be more of them at ISC West but not in such an approachable and relaxed atmosphere. Relevant activities here include several important ESA and CSAA committee meetings, the Welcome Reception (Tuesday, 6 p.m.) and Pub Crawl (Wednesday, 8 p.m.)

2. OpenXchange Coffee & Conversation (Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.)
ESX Chairman George De Marco moderates a panel featuring Bold Technologies’ Rod Coles, BeON Home’s Alexei Erchak and Aeris Communications’ Syed Zaeem Hosain on emerging technologies and how they are likely to impact our industry. This is a new forum they are trying out and should produce some interesting dialogue.

3. Networking & Public Safety Luncheon (Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.)
Sponsored by Security Sales & Integration, this is where I will be joined by SIAC’s Stan Martin to announce this year’s Police Dispatch Quality (PDQ) Award winner. SIAC will also reveal the William N. Moody Award and CSAA will debut its Public Sector Award. Baltimore PD Commissioner Anthony W. Batts will speak on partnerships between law enforcement and the security industry.

4. Educational Sessions (Wednesday-Friday, variable hours)
As with the networking opportunity, I believe ESX offers the strongest educational lineup for the alarm and monitoring company audience (PSA is tops for integrators). There are numerous operational, sales and technology-oriented options, many led by successful peers generous enough to share their wisdom and success stories.

5. Industry Excellence Awards Breakfast (Thursday, 8 a.m.)
For the first time, CSAA and ESA unite to honor people and companies whose hard work keep the industry moving forward. In a partnership between SSI and CSAA, I will announce this year’s Five Diamond Marketing Marvel Award winner. Also, the CSAA Excellence Awards will recognize top central stations, managers, operators and support people, while ESA will bestow the orris F. Weinstock Person of the Year Award.

6. Exploring Exhibits (Thursday, 1-6:30 p.m., Friday, 9 a.m.-noon)
Around 200 vendors will show off their wares in what has matured into being a respectable exhibition. Gone are the early days of watching tumbleweeds roll through the aisles as traffic now tends to be steady if not busy, allowing the opportunity to spend quality time with vendors.

7. Keynotes (Thursday, 11:30 a.m., Friday, noon)
Maj. Gen. James ‘Greg’ Champion, a retired Special Forces officer with more than two decades’ experience leading America’s elite Green Berets in peacetime as well as in the Global War on Terror, speaks on how to motivate people even in the most extreme circumstances. Also, Alan Beaulieu, principal of ITR Economics, shares insights into the economy and how it will impact the electronic security industry.

8. Stellar Service Awards (Thursday, 3 pm, Booth 1017)
I will be on hand to reveal the first group of suppliers to be honored for delivering superior service and support to their dealer and integrator customers. Nearly 30 manufacturers, distributors and central stations will be recognized in 10 SSI Supplier Stellar Service Award categories.

What are you most looking forward to at ESX? If you are not attending, why not? 

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About the Author

Scott Goldfine Elite, Security Industry Goldfine

Scott Goldfine is Marketing Director with Elite Interactive Solutions, Inc. Prior to joining Elite, he served as Security Sales & Integration’s chief editor for about 25 years.

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