Current Status
President, Honeywell Fire Systems
Why He’s on the List
- More than 30 years of professional service and dedication to the fire and security industries
- More than 25 years in three operating divisions of Pittway Corp., eventually becoming president of Notifier
- Grew Notifier into the largest fire alarm system manufacturer in North America; established its international business throughout the world, eventually becoming president of Honeywell Fire Systems
- Advanced industry unity as president of the Security Industry Association (SIA) and involvement with the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA) and Automatic Fire Alarm Association (AFAA)
- Is a Fire Department of New York (FDNY) honorary deputy fire chief, and an FDNY foundation board member
Keys to Success
“Some attributes that have helped me become successful are a very hard work ethic and surrounding myself with the best people. Also, it’s important to become a strategic partner with your customers by demonstrating on a daily basis you’re an essential component of their business. It’s very important the customer views you as an asset and a tool to help them grow their business. If you are successful you will become part of their business and the DNA of their company.”
Working for Iconic Manufacturers
“Both Pittway and Honeywell had/have excellent values and were/are great companies to work for. While each company has different cultures, I was pleasantly surprised by how well they blended and the positive transition. There was an entrepreneurial spirit at Pittway that Honeywell enabled us to continue after the acquisition. Significant R&D and a ‘growth culture’ at Honeywell have made it possible for us to take our business to the next level.”
How Things Have Changed
“Sadly, recent tragedies like 9/11, The Station nightclub fire in Rhode Island and the Virginia Tech shootings have been the most profound. It created a heightened awareness about facility and life safety in everyone’s minds, not just those in the industry. On the positive side, it allowed us to rapidly develop and sell technologies that improved safety that are not just driven by changes in code, but because they are recognized as valuable and more effective security and fire protection tools.”
Something People Might Not Know
He is a volunteer fireman, MRT and officer of the Durham (Conn.) Volunteer Fire Company, where he also serves as the Chaplin. Says if his life would have taken a different path he would have been a high school teacher and football coach.
Biggest Wish for Industry Change
“Become so forward-thinking that we create the technology and solutions to avert tragedies, and save property and countless lives. We continue to maintain a proactive approach in our business and strive to achieve this.” Reaction to Being Inducted
“I am honored and humbled. It is always great to receive recognition, particularly from your peers. This recognition is only possible because of all the great people I have been fortunate to work with throughout my professional career.”