How Acadian Won the 2019 SAMMY Award for Best Community Outreach Program

Acadian Total Security's community outreach includes a United Way donation program, a cooking trailer that serves free food at local events and more.
Published: June 7, 2019

Lafayette, La.-based Acadian Total Security (ATS) knows all about helping people. It started as a small ambulance company in the 1970s and has since grown into six different divisions.

ATS not only helps people secure their homes and belongings, it is also helping those less fortunate, the elderly, the sick and many more through its vast community outreach programs.

One of the largest ways ATS responds to its community’s needs is through its United Way of Acadiana campaign. Each year all employees are asked to donate one hour of their pay each month. Those that do are entered into a drawing for a $1,500 vacation as well as several gift cards. Because of this campaign, ATS has been a top contributor in its region for many years, according to the company.

ATS also has a cooking trailer that shows up to local events and serves food free of charge. “Some of these events include golf tournaments for local chambers, schools and political candidates, Golf for Kid’s Sake, various fundraisers for police and sheriff departments and other worth-while charities, tailgating at football games and many gumbo/chili cook-offs,” says ATS Marketing/Division Coordinator Michelle Trahan. “Our trailer has become a well-known sight.”

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ATS is also active in raising money to find a cure for Alzheimer’s. The company has been participating in a walk for several years and in 2019, Trahan and Marketing & Administrative Assistant Linda Campbell are co-chairing this citywide event.

“A lot of work goes into this and Acadian has been a top contributor every year. Each year we have all of our departments create a gift basket and we raffle these off . The department who sells the most raffle tickets for their basket wins breakfast. This fundraiser alone brings in over $2,000. We also sell popcorn and jambalaya plate lunches throughout the year. Acadian also enters a team in the walk and last year we had over 60 participants,” says Trahan.

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