ADS Security Expands Offerings With Identity Theft Protection

NASHVILLE, Tenn.ADS Security (ADS) has teamed up with IdentaSafe to provide identity theft protection to customers.

“We recognize the growing threat of identity theft,” ADS Vice President Tom Szell says. “We wanted to offer this product as a complement to our existing security services.”

In 2010, identity fraud cost more than eight million people $37 billion with an average of $4,607 per victim, Javelin Strategy and Research reports.

The IdentaSafe product will provide identity monitoring of more than 650 billion data points every hour, according to ADS. Each month, customers will receive an identity report and an identity risk score, which informs them of their weaknesses.

If a customer becomes a victim of identity theft, IdentaSafe works with them to fix their identity to a pre-theft status. Clients will also have an insurance policy that covers up to $25,000. Paid directly to clients, it covers lost wages and out-of-pocket costs that result from identity theft.

“We selected IdentaSafe because they have developed a unique 360-degree approach to identity theft protection,” Szell says. “It provides customers with protection, detection and correction.”

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