Alarm Monitoring Bill Finalized for Submission to Congress


The Alarm Industry Communications Committee (AICC) announced that it has gained consensus on a bill to be submitted to the 109th Congress. The Alarm Monitoring Licensing and Reciprocity Act of 2005 has been in development for several years with input from all segments of the alarm industry.

The bill is designed to protect the safety interests of alarm monitoring customers and increase efficiencies and reduce costs by eliminating duplicative efforts by state regulating agencies and alarm monitoring organizations conducting business in numerous states. The bill is also designed to establish a reciprocity and regulation standard for alarm companies that may be adopted by states.

“The language of this bill states that alarm monitoring organizations licensed or registered in a state that has adopted the minimum licensing standard may provide such service in any other state or political jurisdiction without complying with additional requirements or restrictions,” says Steve Doyle, Executive Vice President of the Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA).

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