Published: September 5, 2000

Axcess Inc., a provider of asset management products and solutions, announces that it has formed a partnership with Miami-based ProTag Systems Inc. The partnership is among many steps that Axcess is currently taking to bring the new ActiveTag(tm) asset management system to the healthcare marketplace. ProTag Systems specializes in electronic article surveillance (EAS) and CCTV systems, focusing on retail and institutional applications. Rapidly increasing international and government sales have led to a quarterly increase of more than 40 percent for the previous quarter.

“With its new ActiveTag asset management system, Axcess has positioned itself to address the unique asset management needs of large medical institutions,” says Steve Schwartz, vice president of sales and marketing for ProTag Systems. “The system’s ability to cover hundreds of unique location zones throughout a facility is ideally suited for hospitals, where mobile assets are difficult to locate.” Axcess provides network-based system solutions to enterprises using patented technologies in wireless, automatic identification and multimedia for improving operations productivity, physical security, asset and inventory management, and ERP.

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