Bob Esquerra Joins Perennial Software

Esquerra has been named the SedonaOffice Implementation Director.
Published: December 7, 2016

CHAGRIN FALLS, OH – Perennial Software has named Bob Esquerra the Implementation Director of SedonaOffice.

SedonaOffice is an enterprise-level accounting and business management software designed for security companies.

“Critical to each of our client’s success is a smooth implementation of SedonaOffice,” says Michael Marks, co-founder of Perennial Software. “We cannot think of better hands to put our new clients in. Before joining our team, Bob worked with SedonaOffice for 17 years while serving as the Chief Financial Officer for both San Diego Alarm (SDA) and Alarms Unlimited.”

The company says Esquerra will work closely with new clients to facilitate a smooth migration to SedonaOffice, providing dedicated assistance during the initial months as users go live on the software.

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His responsibilities will include supervision of the entire implementation process, including project management, data conversion and training.

“Perennial Software is a strong organization, and becoming a part of this already winning team is my goal,” says Esquerra. “I am excited to be included in a group that already has a solid foundation, and I look forward to helping where I can.”

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