Published: September 12, 2000

AlarmX.com, an Internet marketplace and resource center for the security alarm, systems integration and low-voltage industries, announces an exclusive strategic alliance with PSA Security Network, an international electronic security systems company. PSA has agreed to begin placing orders over the Internet, with its more than 200 vendors, through AlarmX.com’s business-to-business Web site.

“PSA is a leading industry organization and we are pleased that it has chosen AlarmX.com to provide it with its E-commerce capabilities. We look forward to the challenge of providing its hundreds of dealers and vendors seamless business-to-business services,” states Mark Miller, AlarmX.com president and founder. AlarmX.com offers an Internet-based, interactive, one-stop shopping environment through which buying groups and dealers can place orders with their suppliers. The site supports all special pricing and other arrangements negotiated between business partners.

“AlarmX.com’s Internet services will facilitate the execution of orders between PSA and our many suppliers. It will also lead to our member companies reaping the benefits of E-commerce. All of this without incurring the usually associated expenses,” adds Roger Speyer, president of PSA.

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