ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Security funding, carbon monoxide (CO) detectors and Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) top the Security Industry Association’s (SIA) 2011 Public Policy Agenda.
Drafted by SIA’s Government Relations committee, the agenda identifies 10 federal legislative and regulatory priorities for the association. The top five priorities include:
- Reauthorization of the Port Security Grant Program; elimination of the 25-percent match requirement; and full program funding in fiscal year 2012
- A multiyear extension of the CFATS program and an extension of CFATS authority to public water and wastewater treatment facilities
- Creating a biometric Social Security card that could be used as part of the E-Verify system or a successor program
- Additional federal assistance to local governments for CO detector installation
- Full fiscal year 2012 funding for the Transit Security Grant Program
“These issues have a direct impact on protecting critical infrastructure and millions of Americans,” SIA CEO Richard Chace says. “We look forward to working with lawmakers and our partners in the security industry to accomplish these goals.”
For more information about SIA’s Public Policy Agenda, click here.