The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) has reached an agreement with the Security Industry Association (SIA) to develop a web-based, online central station operator training program.
The program will consist of eight modules and will be based upon the SIA/APCO “Train the Trainer” course. It is expected that the first module will be available in the summer of 2002. Some of the modules include the role of an operator, standard operating procedures, and potential problems and solutions.
CSAA says the objective of the program is to provide a standardized and uniform vehicle for central station operator training in order to raise the standards of the entire industry. “These courses will have sophisticated audio-visual components, as well as testing and certificate,” explains Stephen Doyle, executive vice president of CSAA. “This project was several years in the development stage and will be available to all central stations, but with a significant discount for CSAA members.”
SIA is providing the initial courseware development investment; subsequent fees for the courses will enable CSAA to continually upgrade existing courses and create new ones.