Department of Homeland Security Awards Dedrone With SAFETY Act Designation Status

Dedrone is the only counter-drone company acknowledged under the Department of Homeland Security's SAFETY Act.
Published: April 23, 2024

STERLING, Va. – Smart airspace security provider Dedrone is the first counter-drone company to receive the Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002 (SAFETY Act) Designation status from the Department of Homeland Security Office of SAFETY Act Implementation.

Both its command-and-control platform, DedroneTracker.AI, and its DedroneSensor radio frequency sensors have been officially awarded as approved technology under the SAFETY Act, according to the company announcement. Dedrone was advised by Petrone Risk in the successful pursuit of this award with senior managing director Kathleen Lupia leading the effort.

“With this Designation award, DHS today made clear that airspace security is now an essential part of any anti-terrorism security apparatus,” says Aaditya Devarakonda, CEO of Dedrone, in the company announcement. “Having previously worked with some of our customers in their efforts to acquire SAFETY Act acknowledgment, we know that OSAI’s process is extremely rigorous.

“This is a tremendous honor for Dedrone as the preeminent counter-drone company, now with SAFETY Act Designation status technology and a resounding validation of our ongoing work to ensure our dual-use technology is as effective as possible for both civilian and military applications,” he says.

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How Dedrone Earned SAFETY Act Designation Status

The SAFETY Act “was designed to encourage the development and use of anti-terrorism products and services,” according to the Dedrone announement. A technology must have demonstrated effectiveness during operational testing or through prior use.

Designation provides a liability cap as well as exclusive action in federal court, no joint and several liability for non-economic damages, and no punitive damages or prejudgment interest. The full designation is in effect for Dedrone until April 30, 2029. Any Dedrone technology deployed during its period of designation is protected for the lifetime of its deployment.

Dedrone is implemented across 32 countries and is used by five of the G-7 nation governments; 829 sites, including 49 airports and 59 stadiums; 15 US federal entities and 20 non-US governments. The company actively provides counter-drone solutions for some of the most high-profile events and organizations, working with public safety entities to protect over 360 sites globally.

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