ESA’s Leadership Summit: Executive-Level Leadership Event for Installation Professionals

Dynamic speakers, top-notch leadership training and quality networking are packed into the three-day Leadership Summit in Savannah, GA, in February.
Published: October 23, 2017

In February, 300 executive-level professionals from across the nation will gather for networking, training, and leadership development at the Electronic Security Association’s (ESA) annual Leadership Summit. This year’s event will be held on Savannah’s riverfront, where guests will soak up the destination’s coastal historic district as they: Link. Learn. Lead.

During the three-day Summit, forward-thinking business leaders from across the nation will link with their peers, learn from a diverse lineup of speakers and strengthen their leadership abilities.


All executive-level professionals from companies that install or monitor electronic security and life safety technologies are welcome to register, regardless of their affiliation with ESA. Meaning, you do not have to be a member of ESA to attend this powerful leadership event. The Summit is tailored toward business owners, management and rising leaders in the industry who want to grow their organizations.

Continual, intentional learning is correlated with measurable success. This year, the event will tackle cyber security, evolving customer expectations, time management, hiring and retaining quality employees and some pretty disruptive marketing trends.

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Guests will hear dynamic speakers, from a variety of industries, present valuable insight for leaders to apply in their own companies. More on the event’s line-up of expert speakers.


In addition to the program’s strength in gathering engaging speakers to present on their expertise — often from outside of the industry to offer a unique perspective — the Leadership Summit offers rare opportunities to make personal and professional connections. To provide each individual a personalized experience, the event uses a networking platform that allows guests to schedule one-on-one meetings with each other and event sponsors in advance.

Attendees have used this tool to secure meetings about process, to dig into the logistics of training salespeople for new products and to learn how to best implement new technologies.

“Meeting with companies one-on-one was really unique in comparison to other conventions that I’ve been to. I think these conversations will pay off far into the future,” says Bernie Toms, president of Bernard Raymond, Inc.


The 2018 Leadership Summit will also include casual networking events and the popular Diamond Event, where the Morris F. Weinstock Person of the Year is awarded.

In the past, attendees have praised the connections they made as a major benefit of the Summit.

“The highlight for me, has been the networking opportunities and the chance to talk to my colleagues from across the country — and really understand their business issues, my business issues, and how we might be able to share ideas about how to improve our businesses together,” says Steve Paley, president and CEO of Rapid Security Solutions, LLC.

Leaders who wish to invest in themselves and their organizations will find many opportunities to do so in like-minded company at ESA’s Leadership Summit.


Being away from the office can often be difficult for driven leaders, but ESA believes that after experiencing the Summit’s three days of inspirational content, idea sharing and leadership training, attendees will return to leading their day-to-day operations equipped with new ideas and techniques that will help grow their businesses.

To view the complete schedule and learn more about the speakers, sessions and the location, visit

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