FBI Reports Drops in Crime for 2004


The nation saw its biggest drop in property crime in eight years according to preliminary crime figures for 2004 released by the FBI. Violent crimes also saw a dip in 2004 for the third consecutive year, while arson-related fires continued to show a sharp drop according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report.

Property crimes, which include burglaries and car theft, were down 1.8 percent in 2004 according to the FBI after seeing either an increase or a slight decrease over the last three years. Burglaries were down 1.4 percent, with all regions showing a substantial decrease except for the West, which saw a 0.9-percent increase in burglaries.

Violent crimes, which include robberies, murders and forcible rape, were down 1.7 percent for the year. There were 3.6-percent fewer robberies in 2004, with the South seeing more than a five-percent drop. Arsons were down 6.8 percent.

The final numbers from the FBI will be released this Fall and included in Security Sales & Integration‘s 2006 Buyers’ Guide and Fact Book.

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