To be of value to their client and to differentiate themselves from their competitors, today’s security integrator must look at all opportunities to win and be awarded a project. One method is to offer an “all-in-one” solution that includes, but is not limited to, electronic access control, video surveillance, locking hardware and audio communications. Such a two-way voice communication system could be deployed where surveillance and controlled access for interior or exterior is a must.
Providing an intercom at controlled access points allows for another method of identifying visitors and screening unauthorized persons from attempting to enter a facility or building. This type of solution provides the guard or user with more information on which to base a decision or action. He or she can then permit or deny accessibility based on what is seen … and heard.
Conventional analog master and substation intercoms can be replaced with TCP/IP structured solutions that improve the level of functionality on a local, regional and global basis. This new direction allows intercom solutions to integrate with public address, door/gate control, alarm, video management, and overall systems management more easily and cost effectively.
This new level of intercoms also allows seamless integration and scalability through interactive graphical user interfaces, voice, data and access control functions. Several manufacturers are providing solutions that incorporate basic audio, video and electronic access control functionality in an all-in-one system. These will eliminate the need for individual devices mounted on a wall or placed on a console or desk.
Under application-specific requirements the interoperability of such intercom solutions would ensure existing complementary systems like access control and video management work together. With effective and thorough planning, those systems could integrate with IP intercom operations to simplify and optimize overall operations.
John Mosebar is Vice President of Marketing for Aiphone Corp. He can be reached at [email protected].