IQ Certification Honors Creenan for 10 Years of Service

Amherst Alarm's Tim Creenan served as chairperson of IQ Certification for six years.
Published: July 10, 2014

The Installation Quality (IQ) Certification Program has honored Amherst Alarm CEO Tim Creenan for his 10 years of service with the organization.

IQ Certification provides guidelines and gives consumers a way to identify alarm companies that are committed to providing them with high-quality security and life safety systems. IQ also aims to reduce the burden and risks false alarms place on our police.

In 2004, Creenan was elected treasurer of the organization. He later took on the responsibility of chairperson in 2008, a position he held until 2014. He now serves as IQ Certification’s immediate past chair.

“It has been an honor to participate on the board for so long,” Creenan said. “I know there is a great future ahead for the IQ program.”

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The IQ Certification Board of Directors awarded Creenan for all his contribution during the Electronic Security Association’s (ESA) Board of Directors Meeting in Nashville, Tenn.

Lynn Comer, current IQ Certification Board chair and president of Shenandoah Valley Security in Waynesboro, Virginia presented the plaque to Creenan on behalf of the entire IQ Board.

“During the 10 years, Tim saw many changes and challenges,” Comer said. “But without fail, he always brought all of his talents and expertise to generously share with those of us who are dedicated and striving to be the best that we can be. Tim recognized the true value of quality and consistent practices as they related to his business, Amherst Alarm. He became the best of leaders, one who leads by example.”

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