IR Security & Safety announces its Triple Play Promotion, which awards locksmiths with merchandise and mounted samples after they purchase their three most popular electronic products before Sept. 30.
The purchase of each product in conjunction with the promotion—its Schlage Cobra locksets, Locknetics PRO/PRO+ keypads and MagForce electromagnetic locks—has three levels. The purchase of two Cobra locksets awards locksmiths with a mounted Cobra demo and Cobra hat. Four Cobra locks additionally earn a Cobra shirt, and six Cobra locks additionally earn a Cobra jacket.
Cobra purchases may include the newly introduced mortise (MPM) lockset as well as the cylindrical Cobra (MPC) lockset.
Purchasing two PRO/PRO+ keypads or MagForce electromagnetic locks earns an IR racing cap. Purchasing four additionally earns an IR racing shirt, and ordering six additionally gets a locksmith an IR racing jacket and new PRO78 mounted demo.
Locksmiths may purchase Triple Play eligible products from their IR Security & Safety wholesaler before Sept. 30. Triple Play registration forms must be submitted and received by Nov. 30 in order to redeem awards.