Los Angeles Freight Corridor Looking to Increase Security


There are plans for security upgrades at the Alameda
Corridor freight rail expressway in Los Angeles that
includes additional CCTV cameras, motion detectors and
fencing. The Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
(ACTA) says $750,000 will be spent on the security
improvements in 2004 to the 20-mile rail system.

“Nothing could be more important than making an already
strong security system stronger,” says ACTA CEO John
Doherty. “We will begin the new year even more focused on
security.” The Alameda Corridor connects the ports of Long
Beach and Los Angeles to transcontinental rail yards near
Downtown Los Angeles.

The ACTA plans meetings with railroad police and security
consultants to better define the scope of the project, work
packages and schedules. There is a 12-month window in which
to complete the design, installation testing and acceptance
of packages approved for funding by Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) grant programs. Funding will come from
a $601,000 federal TSA port security grant and $149,000 in
ACTA matching funds.

Tentative plans call for a manned support security
operations center at the Union Pacific Intermodal Container
Transfer Facility (ICTF) to monitor cameras and motion
detectors in the 10-mile, midcorridor trench.

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