Make Your Voice Count! Take SSI’s Physical-Logical Security Assessment Survey

Take a few minutes today to participate in Security Sales & Integration's Physical-Logical Security Assessment survey.
Published: February 9, 2016

The migration of physical security solutions such as video surveillance, access control and intrusion detection devices onto commercial end-user networks is changing the way security dealers and systems integrators deploy solutions.

Learning about how IT networks function, how to configure systems accordingly and speak intelligently with IT managers is a major paradigm shift. On top of that, there is now an ever-increasing issue of cyber threats to those networks that carry with them critical implications for networked physical security solutions and the companies that sell, design and install them.

In this second annual research project, Security Sales & Integration is asking security professionals such as yourself to share their experiences, opinions and concerns regarding cybersecurity and its impact on the electronic security industry.

You can view results from the inaugural survey here.

SSI Newsletter

SSI‘s Physical-Logical Security Assessment should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and your input is vital to help establish benchmarks to help propel our industry forward.

The results will be subsequently published in SSI.

To complete the online survey, click here. Answers and E-mail addresses will be kept strictly confidential and only used in tabulation with others.

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