I never get tired of writing or speaking about remote video surveillance monitoring and management. The nice part is that, if I chose to write an article every quarter, I would have something new and improved to evangelize about every time.
Although I have written lengthy articles about this subject previously, some meaningful attention has been brought forth by new entrants who are introducing platforms, cameras and approaches to sales.
It’s encouraging to see how remote video has grown and how it is included as part of just about every channel and market segment.
The visibility and growth continue to produce new players, as well as consolidation and proliferation into market segments that, in the past, were not inclined to adopt remote video.
High-quality (yet lower-cost) video products, integrated along with fundamental intelligence, have really proven to be an accelerant in growing remote video.
Additionally, certain DIY platforms, a growing and expanding channel, have included remote-video options. These have gained great attention through their marketing and expansive adoption.
With the term “DIY,” most people’s minds naturally gravitate to residential security and smart-home systems and platforms. I use the word “naturally” because most marketing and consumer buzz revolves around residential offerings of this nature.
What many don’t realize is that higher-end video and remote-video DIY offerings have gained great traction within commercial markets.
Why Wireless Video is Growing
Various direct-to-consumer or direct-to-contractor models exist that provide some advisory service and the option to purchase high-end, “lick-and-stick” video cameras and platforms for purchase or short-term rental.
They can be self-monitored through a portal and mobile app, while having an option for professional monitoring for event monitoring or remote guarding.
Most of these platforms offer a variety of totally wireless cameras that are cellular and either solar powered or electric powered. The cameras are shipped preconfigured. They either require mounting or are shipped with mobile trailers.
Manufacturers and deployment platforms — for example, Sensera Systems in Golden, Colo. — are gaining great traction. They offer the cameras with or without professional UL-listed central station monitoring. Pricing is either month to month or discounted by making a term commitment.
Most don’t realize that a big market exists that desires to carry out most of the fieldwork in the deployment of video.
Some might ask why I write about this market in a trade publication like SSI. As I have written in numerous previous articles on remote video, many monitoring centers and even installing companies have steered away from video and remote video monitoring.
It’s not because of a lack of interest; rather, more likely, it’s because of the desire to stay more focused on other areas of safety and security.
Personally, I believe that, just as in other businesses, affiliations with a direct-to-consumer model would be beneficial for those who prefer not to engage with remote video.
Becoming a reseller, value-added reseller or affiliate to a company like Sensera Systems can bridge gaps while providing some additional income streams.
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