New Company to Offer Merger/Acquisition, Investment Banking Services to Security Industry

Published: November 10, 2002

Mallon & Associates and Broadband Capital Holdings LLC will form a new entity to provide investment banking services to the $100 billion global security industry. Called Mallon Capital LLC, the new company will combine security expertise from Mallon & Associates with the investment banking infrastructure of Broadband Capital Management (BCM)—parent company of Broadband Capital Holdings—to meet the needs of small and middle market security companies.

Mallon Capital will focus on mergers and acquisitions and advisory and research services while BMC will augment those activities, while concentrating on the raising of capital. “Many of the small emerging companies and the mid caps are presently underserved by Wall Street, and through this joint venture we will be structured to better serve these segments of the industry,” said Jack Mallon, managing director of Mallon & Associates. Mike Rapp, chairman of BCM, adds, “Our access to high net worth retail investors will bring more exposure and visibility to many of the security companies that are presently under the radar screens of the major institutional investors.”

Mallon & Associates has been involved with mergers and acquisitions and financial advisory services in the security industry for the past six years and also publishes Mallon’s Security Investing, a monthly financial newsletter on investment opportunities in the security/crime control industry. BCM is a boutique investment bank and full service broker focused on middle market companies. The firm’s capabilities include market making, research and corporate finance as well as providing access to high net worth retail and institutional investors.

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