VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada
Published: November 15, 2001

Security Biometrics Inc. announces that it plans to submit a proposal to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on providing a ports of entry passenger screening aid that will employ the company’s dynamic signature verification (DSV) technology. As a result of the Sept. 11 attacks, the DoD issued a request for proposals on 38 different categories of anti-terrorist technologies.

Among those outlined is a ports-of-entry passenger screening aid. Security Biometrics’ proposal will feature its DSV technology as a tool to authenticate the identity of all persons entering the United States through commercial air travel. The heart of the proposal is a system in which passengers receive a plastic card that contains an encrypted copy of the passenger’s signature.

When checking in for a flight, the passenger would submit the card to a reader and sign his name on a proprietary pad that would instantly verify the identity of the cardholder. According to DSV, what is examined isn’t the signature, but the way the signature is executed. By checking pen force, speed and movement, identity is verified. Manufacturers claim forgery would be impossible.

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