Published: September 9, 2001

The National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA) presented Steven V. Peterson), eastern sales manager for Security Sales Magazine), with the 2001 NBFAA President’s Award during its annual awards luncheon on Aug. 27 during the ISC Expo/East. The President’s Award is not an annual award and is only presented when warranted to an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding effort to benefit the electronic systems industry. Peterson says, “Thank you all for this very special award. It means a lot to me that the NBFAA would recognize me for my recent contributions of some simple but fresh ideas that are designed to increase our membership—both our regular members and our valuable associate members. The Membership Kit Program idea came to me soon after I joined Security Sales Magazine this past October. I contacted my friend Bart [Didden] and said that I believe that I have an idea that would immediately benefit the NBFAA membership. I E-mailed Bart my plan, he passed it along for comments. Soon we began to have teleconferences, formed a new Marketing Committee and hired a new marketing director. A few short months later, things are really buzzing around at the NBFAA Membership department. I am happy to just be an active part of the continued success of the NBFAA.” The NBFAA is the electronic systems industry’s oldest and largest trade association and was founded in 1948.

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