Security Industry Association Releases Update on False Alarm Reduction Standard
SIA’s CP-01-2014 features definitions for remote devices and is intended for reference by security system installers and central station operators.
SILVER SPRING, Md. – The Security Industry Association (SIA) has released the ANSI/SIA CP-01-2014 False Alarm reduction standard.
CP-01-2014 details recommended design features for security system control panels and their associated arming and disarming devices to reduce the incidence of false alarm dispatches.
The new version features definitions for remote devices and includes updated verbiage stemming from requests for interpretation from the last update of the standard in 2010.
The effort to update this keystone standard led by the CP-01 Working Group, a special group of the SIA Intrusion Subcommittee.
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“As technology continues to evolve, it is important that we keep this useful standard up to date with it,” Lou Fiore of CSAA and chairman of the CP-01 Working Group says. “Increasingly, panels are being armed and disarmed using remote devices including smartphones and tablets, we thought it was time to address that in CP-01.”
CP-01-2014 is intended for use by manufacturers in the design of control panels and alarm signal receivers. It is also intended for reference by all affected parties, including security system installers, specifiers; central station operators; manufacturers of central station products, such as receivers and automation software; and local authorities.
In the past two decades, revisions have been made to CP-01 in response to changing technology to reduce false alarms. CP-01 compliant panels have been shown to reduce false alarms in municipalities by as much as 90 percent.
RELATED: False Alarm Reduction Stories
This reduction in false dispatches saves responders time and money, ensuring that resources are sent to actual emergencies, according to a SIA press release. It also saves consumers money as many municipalities charge fees in excess of $500 for unnecessary dispatches.
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