SIA and IACP Recognize Dubai Police With Michael Shanahan Leadership Award

The Dubai Police Department was honored with the SIA-sponsored public/private cooperation award at the 2024 IACP Annual Banquet.
Published: October 25, 2024

SILVER SPRING, Md. – The United Arab Emirates’ Dubai Police Force was recognized as the 2024 Michael Shanahan Leadership in Public-Private Cooperation Award, a program presented by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in partnership with the Security Industry Association (SIA).

The award was presented Oct. 22 at the 2024 IACP Annual Banquet in Boston.

The Dubai Police department received the IACP/SIA award for its On-the-Go program, in which it partners with fuel stations to increase efficiency and public safety by allowing traffic accident reports to be completed at those stations.

Dubai Police reported that “security coverage increased to 99%, and incident response times decreased from 15 minutes to under three minutes. Further, the effective cost of the security patrols has decreased to zero.”

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Why Dubai Police Earned the 2024 Shanahan Award

The Shanahan Award, which recognizes outstanding achievements in the development and implementation of public-private cooperation in public safety, is named for the late Chief Michael Shanahan, who served the University of Washington Police Department for 24 years before retiring in 1995 and was the founding chairman of the IACP Private Sector Liaison Committee.

SIA has sponsored the award every year since its inception in 2007.

“Public-private partnerships leverage the strengths of both sectors and make possible innovative solutions that enhance the safety and security of communities,” says SIA CEO Don Erickson in the announcement. “SIA is proud to support the brave and vital work of law enforcement officers through IACP and the Shanahan Award, and we congratulate Dubai Police on their achievements.”

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