Published: February 21, 2002

SimplexGrinnell, a unit of Tyco Fire and Security Services, held its annual security advisory council summit on how the needs and requirements of security customers have changed in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The annual event, held the second week of February, brought together industry professionals and the company’s own security experts and executives to discuss trends and issues. In addition to discussing the impact of the Sept. 11 attacks, participants discussed customer-training issues, citing it as an important element in an integrated security solution.

Dave Baer, vice president of sales and marketing for SimplexGrinnell, says, “We had a highly successful summit and we’re extremely pleased with the quality and content of the discussion. SimplexGrinnell learned a great deal about the impact that Sept. 11 is having on security, and also developed a better understanding of what customers want from systems integrators in today’s marketplace.”

Mark Scaparro, vice president of marketing at HID Corp. , says, “It was a great event. More companies should be taking the initiative to listen to customers and find out what needs to be done to change the industry perception. To add value, integrators must take a very consultative approach to understanding their customers’ businesses and risks, and how each individual customer wants technology applied to overcome and mitigate those risks. I commend SimplexGrinnell for approaching systems integration from that perspective.

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