SSI Study: Police Support Alarm Systems

Published: July 10, 2003

Nearly 95 percent of the law enforcement community endorses
the alarm industry, despite the prospect of police not
responding to alarm systems in various cities, such as Los
Angeles, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas, according to a new
study of police nationwide conducted by Security
Sales & Integration (SSI)
magazine in conjunction
with Police magazine.

SSI‘s “Police False Alarm Survey,” the first study of its kind, asked several hundred police of every rank and jurisdiction size what their views were on electronic alarm systems, the false alarm problem and the alarm industry. “There’s been a lot of friction related to false alarms, and we wanted to know how police really feel about the alarm industry,” says Editor Scott Goldfine. “As it turns out, police overwhelmingly continue to hold alarm systems in high regard and believe they help as a deterrent and to catch criminals. This may surprise those who have been bombarded with negative portrayals of alarms and the companies that install and service them.”

Goldfine adds, “Our hope is that the study will facilitate communication and cooperation between law enforcement and the electronic security industry, as they work toward revolving the false alarm issue and more effectively serving and protecting the public.”

Other key results of the study include: Most police believe electronic alarm systems are a worthwhile crime deterrent; The majority of police are not significantly impacted by false alarms; most say a lack of alarm system user training is the chief culprit; many police say they would never implement verified response in their municipality; and only a few respondents believe the police-alarm company divide is insurmountable.

SSI Newsletter

The complete findings of the “Police False Alarm Survey,” including comments from dozens of law enforcement officials, appear in a special supplement to SSI‘s July and Police‘s August issues. Copies are also available by contacting Bobit Publishing Co. at (310) 533-2400.

Police magazine is a sister publication of SSI.

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