Stanley Security Solutions Earns ISO Certifications

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Stanley Security Solutions’ manufacturing facility here has achieved  International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certifications. The company received the ISO 9001 Quality Management System certificate and the ISO 14001 Environment Management System certification.

The ISO 9001 certification recognizes Stanley’s efficient operations, well-defined and documented production processes and lower rejection costs. By achieving the ISO 14001 certification, the company meets an internationally recognized standard that enables organization to maintain a balance between profitability and a healthy environment.

On average, it typically takes companies two to three years to achieve ISO certification. In Stanley earned the certification within 14 months due to a diligent workforce and basic processes already in place, according to the company.

“I’m very proud of the performance of the Indianapolis team,” says Kirk Stinson, president for Mechanical Access-Commercial, Stanley. “The certifications show the Indianapolis team’s passion for eliminating roadblocks, which would hinder our competitiveness in a global market. The planning, focus and execution of the entire plant to achieve these certifications shows the commitment to customer satisfaction and support of the Stanley Fulfillment Systems.”


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