Study: U.S. Electronic Security Shipments to Grow 10% Through 2006

Published: June 4, 2002

Shipments of electronic security systems will marginally
outpace sales growth, rising 10 percent annually to $11.4
billion in 2006, according to a new study by the Freedonia
Group in Cleveland. High-tech electronic security
modalities ranging from bomb detectors to CCTV cameras to
access controls and biometrics will be among the primary
beneficiaries of the burgeoning investment in homeland
security, outlines the report.

The study, Electronic Security: Product & Systems, also reports that the access control and biometrics segment will log heathly gains. These segments will receive a boost by an upswing in industrial and medical construction activity, and the emergence of advanced biometric and smart card-based systems as cost-effective alternatives.

However, advances are expected to be slower on the alarm side, restrained by a higher degree of market maturity and weak new housing and office markets, although alarms will remain the largest market segment.

For more information on the study, visit

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