Top 9 Surveillance Videos of the Week: Driver Strolls Away From Airborne Car Crash

Other top surveillance videos of the week include a close call with lightning, an ATM explosion, a hungry bear and much more.
Published: June 29, 2018

In this week’s Top Surveillance Videos…

Terrible drivers are everywhere. As I mentioned a few weeks ago when we saw a man get ejected from the car he was riding in after smashing into a toll plaza, driving responsibly is extremely important.

By driving distracted or impaired, you aren’t only endangering yourself, but innocent bystanders. It’s a miracle the star of this week’s top surveillance videos didn’t only not hurt anyone, but was also able to walk away from her car accident.

Watch the footage!

A gas station surveillance camera caught the moment a car going over 100mph loses control, launches into the air, spins around several times and then lands right next to a gas pump.

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The most amazing aspect? The driver then walks away as if nothing crazy happened. The woman would eventually be arrested and charged with driving under the influence, according to WJTV.

Also this week…

Here’s a tip for people that live in areas populated with bears: hide your M&M’s. A security camera inside a California home caught the moment a bear pops open a window and eats a bag of the chocolate candy. He also grabs a few other snacks to go.

Make sure to check out the rest of this week’s top surveillance videos which include an ATM explosion, a life-saving Chick-Fil-A employee and much more!

Watch the Top Surveillance Videos of the Week

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