Technological advances coupled with declining prices are leveraging silicon-based fingerprint sensors into a strong position, challenging the traditional dominance of optical sensors used in fingerprint biometrics.
New analysis from research firm Frost & Sullivan, World Silicon Chip Fingerprint Market, reports that this embryonic market generated revenues totaling $5.1 million in 2001. Triple-digit growth is anticipated through 2006 and total revenues are estimated to reach $424.6 million in 2006.
“Technological improvements in the field have resulted in enhanced capabilities as well as the miniaturization of sensors,” says Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Prianka Chopra. “This has resulted in declining prices and an associated widening of the application base.”
Currently, sweep sensors and very small area sensors are making the form-factor compact enough to be incorporated into handheld devices and laptops. Access control, time and attendance, financial and healthcare applications will all inflate profits.
Technological developments, particularly in miniaturization, have resulted in falling prices of these sensors.
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