Tell Us How to Improve Security Sales & Integration!

Security Sales & Integration's Annual Readership Study is open asking for feedback on what you would like to see in the publication and online.
Published: July 17, 2015

Security Sales & Integration, just like many security dealers and integrators that conduct customer satisfaction studies after an installation or service call, wants to know how we are doing. SSI has dedicated itself to be the No. 1 news, business and technology information resource for the installing and monitoring electronic security industry for the past 35+ years, but we are always looking for improvement.

Please take a few minutes to complete our Annual Readership Study. Tell us what you like or dislike, and specifically what you would like to see more of in the publication and online. Which industry and business resource information is most valuable to you (from recruiting, prospecting, managing technicians, generating more recurring revenue, mergers & acquisitions, vertical markets, etc.)? What would like to see in terms of research, technology trends and more?

The survey has already been sent to our subscribers via E-mail, but we also want to hear from our general online audience and member community (signing up gains access to exclusive research, Webinars, whitepapers and more).


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Thank You!

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