TMA Releases Comprehensive Operator Training for its ANSI/TMA-AVS-01 Standard

The Monitoring Association's free, three-module AVS-01 operator training course is now available online at
Published: July 2, 2024

McLEAN, Va.The Monitoring Association (TMA) has launched its AVS-01 Alarm Validation Scoring Standard online training, an interactive three-module course.

Developed primarily for monitoring center operators and delivered online, the course “provides a comprehensive introduction to the AVS-01 Standard; illustrates the Standard’s measurable alarm level classifications; demonstrates the call handling process; and explains the importance of public safety and law enforcement engagement,” according to the TMA announcement.

The course is now available free at

“The AVS-01 standard directly addresses the alarm industry’s goal to provide greater situational awareness to public safety, ECC telecommunicators, and law enforcement,” says TMA president Steve Butkovich in the association announcement.

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“As monitoring centers and ECCs move to adopt and integrate the AVS-01 standard into their standard operating procedures (SOPs), it is now critical to establish a strong understanding of the contents and benefits of the AVS-01 Standard,” he says. “This training provides the required core knowledge for all stakeholders.”

More About TMA’s AVS-01 Standard Training

“TMA is committed to advancing the professionalism and effectiveness of monitoring centers across the country through education,” says TMA CEO Celia Besore in the announcement. “This new course is an exciting and important addition to our portfolio of training courses.

“It provides operators with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate and streamline the alarm classification process into their pre-existing call handling process,” she says.

By adopting the AVS-01 Standard, monitoring centers “can significantly enhance their alarm response processes, improve public safety outcomes, and contribute to industry-wide standardization and efficiency,” according to the TMA announcement.

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