Top 9 Surveillance Videos of the Week: Restaurant Celebrates Powerball Win, Later Finds Out it Lost

The group of workers celebrated what they thought was their $949 million prize. Then they found out their numbers were for the wrong drawing.
Published: January 17, 2016

What would you do if you found out you won the Powerball jackpot?

Quit your job? Buy a new house in a tropical location? Donate money to friends and family?

A group of workers at a New Jersey restaurant had all of those thoughts and then some running through their minds on Saturday as they celebrated what they thought was a life-changing win. Only later did they find out that their ‘winning’ numbers from another drawing that week, not Saturday’s winning numbers. The prize on Saturday was $949 million. The prize on that previous Wednesday was $528 million.

They were millionaires, if only for a brief amount of time.

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“It was like getting punched in the stomach,” bartender Charles Poveromo told the New York Post.

That unfortunate footage leads off this week’s installment of the Surveillance Videos of the Week. Other top videos include a man stealing a python from a pet store by sticking it down his pants, a street cleaner escaping horrible injury or death by a few inches, and a security guard doing the worst job of hiding his theft.

RELATED: Miss Last Week’s Edition of Surveillance Videos of the Week?

The video surveillance footage you see often is used by law enforcement to solve crimes.

Be sure to check back with SSI next week to find out what other moments were caught on camera.

  1. N.J. Restaurant Mistakenly Celebrates Powerball ‘Win’
  2. Thief Stuffs Python Down His Pants
  3. Street Cleaner Narrowly Missed by Crashing Truck
  4. Security Guard Steals From ATM
  5. Gunman Ambushes Police Officer in Name of Islam
  6. Robber Attacks Man Dressed as Buddhist Monk
  7. ISIS Attack in Jakarta Captured on Camera
  8. Group Dresses as Window Cleaners in Theft of Office Building
  9. Man Fails to Smash Car Windows



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