Videx CyberKey Vault 20 FX Electronic Key Management Cabinet

Published: January 6, 2013

Videx of Corvallis, Ore., releases the CyberKey Vault 20 FX, an intelligent key cabinet designed to manage, program, and dispense CyberKey smart keys.

Keys are stored unprogrammed and locked securely in the cabinet until an RFID card and/or PIN code is presented to the cabinet. After reading the card and/or accepting the PIN, the CyberKey Vault programs a CyberKey with the individual’s permissions. Keys are programmed with access privileges for each user, detailing which electronic locks it can open and when.

An audit record of all events is stored in both the locks and the keys. Each time a key is used at a lock, a record of the lock ID, date, and time is stored in the key, and a record of the key ID, date, and time is stored in the lock.

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