Detex – Featured Product 8/26
Detex Corporation offers an EasyKit system designed for garden center gates, restaurant patios, amusement parks, assisted living facilities, sports arenas, outdoor childcare, and any location exposed to the elements where delayed exit is required to prevent theft or to protect those trying to exit.
Certain applications require a combination of components, and the Outdoor Area System features a range of hardware designed to be scalable for more complex application requirements. Customers can select the combinations of components that suit their particular application and know that they will integrate easily with each other and function well in the elements.
Outdoor Area System components include Detex weatherized delayed egress hardware to prevent shoppers from slipping out with merchandise; access control devices that allow entry from an outside courtyard with a keypad or card reader; and door-propped alarms that produce an audible warning when a door is being propped or held open.
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