Gigabit Switch Automatically Configures Integrated Network

The IQ1000 Quasar smart switch systemby CBL SystemsofMilford, Mass., is a redundant, self-managed optical gigabit switch foruse bysystems integrators when interfacing a variety of security subsystemswith asingle head-end. Installation is said to be made easy because theIQ1000self-configures, which means the installer does not have to programeach nodewith the head-end. The system is also self-healing, which means if onenodegoes down all the others continue to communicate with the head-end in anormalmanner. The IQ1000 is designed for video surveillance, access controland othersystems designed to use network technology. The device adapts byauto-negotiating to 10/100/1,000Mbps based on the requirement of theEthernetappliance.
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