Cyber security threats are at a nearly epidemic level with new attacks almost daily. Breaches at banks and well-known consumer stores are anxiety-provoking but many security integrators still wonder what this means to them. It is easy to pass these concerns off to IT to handle since PCs and networks are their realm, right? The growing implementation of networked physical security systems, many of which are cloud-based, strongly indicates that this point of view is very wrong.
Today’s cutting edge security dealers and integrators realize that the weakest link in any company’s networked systems will be the easiest entrée for cyberattacks. As with the HVAC partner that opened the door for the recent Target breach, don’t let your systems put your clients at risk.
It is critical for every security integrator to understand the growing cyber security threat, assess their readiness and learn the skills needed to keep their clients safe. This report features results from our recent Physical-Logical Security Assessment survey as well as useful tips from industry leaders to help improve your cyber security preparedness.
Download our new report “Cyber Security: Strengthen Your Clients’ Network Security, Protect Their Data and Block Identity Theft”. Upon submitting the following information, you will be directed to your download.