Today’s security firms have plenty of career opportunities.
Comparing today’s security alarm company to one from 20 years ago is like comparing a smartphone to an old, hardwired landline phone. With the industry’s expansion into complete home automation systems, job opportunities are plentiful. There are new opportunities these days both for employees and for young professionals interested in starting their own businesses.
However, starting your own business is full of both challenges and opportunities. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an experienced partner to show you the ropes? To help new security integration entrepreneurs avoid common pitfalls, the Electronic Security Association (ESA) has developed a mentorship program that matches new entrants with experienced professionals.
The current generation has been brought up in this digital world of advanced communication and has the tools to be more successful and provide better customer service, according to Greg Simmons of Eagle Security in Las Vegas.
“What we’ve realized is we’re really no longer security and home automation companies; we’re IT companies that happen to be in the IT world with security and audio visual and automation systems,” Simmons said.
Chris Nobling of Security Force Inc., in Raleigh, N.C., agrees. “The development of emerging technologies and the way that everything is tying together gives this next generation so many different avenues in this industry to be successful.” The industry no longer is just “three doors and a motion [sensor]. We’ve developed and we’ve diversified what we have to offer as an industry.”
Download our FREE guide, “Expert Tips for Building a Successful Security Integration Company” to learn about:
- Planning for success in today’s market
- Being open to new ways of doing business
- Mentoring internally
- Setting goals
- And much more
Gain critical insights from these mentor/mentee partners that may make all the difference in your own business.